all postcodes in PE11 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE11 2AB 3 52.788712 -0.146704
PE11 2AD 1 52.789044 -0.149726
PE11 2AE 8 52.788879 -0.148398
PE11 2AF 14 52.789191 -0.148582
PE11 2AG 3 52.790041 -0.147182
PE11 2AJ 1 52.79008 -0.145826
PE11 2AN 1 52.8038 -0.147542
PE11 2AP 1 52.791308 -0.146767
PE11 2AQ 2 52.78933 -0.146718
PE11 2AR 0 52.788611 -0.146748
PE11 2AS 0 52.78885 -0.146531
PE11 2AU 0 52.791819 -0.144358
PE11 2AX 0 52.793662 -0.144339
PE11 2AY 1 52.792547 -0.143734
PE11 2BA 0 52.794185 -0.141384
PE11 2BB 6 52.800485 -0.135667
PE11 2BH 2 52.794785 -0.149467
PE11 2BJ 2 52.794949 -0.143854
PE11 2BL 0 52.794745 -0.142275
PE11 2BN 0 52.794213 -0.143178