all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 9BA 8 0 52.762837 0.088992
PE12 9BB 1 0 52.765743 0.07822
PE12 9BD 56 0 52.78193 0.123152
PE12 9BE 2 2 52.765733 0.131983
PE12 9BH 1 0 52.773506 0.097331
PE12 9BJ 10 0 52.781209 0.1102
PE12 9BN 62 9 52.784232 0.119112
PE12 9BW 9 1 52.783153 0.119681
PE12 9BP 52 2 52.783412 0.114193
PE12 9BQ 37 0 52.782912 0.123007
PE12 9BS 34 0 52.779992 0.111848
PE12 9BT 79 0 52.785755 0.112854
PE12 9BU 10 0 52.788974 0.109806
PE12 9BX 41 0 52.779999 0.106881
PE12 9BY 7 0 52.78824 0.110748
PE12 9BZ 27 0 52.786996 0.112321
PE12 9DA 4 0 52.780927 0.126454
PE12 9DB 31 8 52.785424 0.122358
PE12 9DD 19 2 52.786494 0.119932
PE12 9DF 55 31 52.786469 0.120733