all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 9DH 36 4 52.786455 0.12257
PE12 9DJ 27 1 52.78696 0.127548
PE12 9DL 22 0 52.791181 0.127711
PE12 9DN 20 0 52.792585 0.127244
PE12 9DP 16 0 52.789392 0.125279
PE12 9DQ 60 0 52.788873 0.122109
PE12 9DR 37 0 52.788591 0.126235
PE12 9DS 50 0 52.789389 0.127488
PE12 9DT 6 0 52.787588 0.124583
PE12 9DU 37 0 52.78788 0.126749
PE12 9DW 26 0 52.79046 0.127407
PE12 9DX 45 0 52.788124 0.121806
PE12 9DY 18 0 52.78721 0.120992
PE12 9DZ 21 0 52.787173 0.125156
PE12 9EA 55 15 52.783072 0.125238
PE12 9EB 4 0 52.784891 0.110884
PE12 9ED 45 2 52.781441 0.127916
PE12 9EE 24 0 52.780607 0.130322
PE12 9EF 50 4 52.779769 0.137356
PE12 9EG 10 0 52.779045 0.152072