all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 7DQ 26 1 52.801365 0.021615
PE12 7DR 18 0 52.801999 0.015877
PE12 7DS 15 0 52.8018 0.015438
PE12 7DT 5 0 52.803297 0.01518
PE12 7DU 17 8 52.804085 0.014487
PE12 7DW 6 0 52.802882 0.01525
PE12 7DY 50 15 52.803804 0.016035
PE12 7DZ 2 0 52.802395 0.014423
PE12 7EA 1 1 52.803825 0.017056
PE12 7ED 32 9 52.803453 0.017621
PE12 7EE 54 11 52.804778 0.01443
PE12 7EH 6 0 52.8067 0.018777
PE12 7EJ 9 0 52.806663 0.020451
PE12 7EL 18 0 52.800897 0.021638
PE12 7EN 17 0 52.803962 0.004215
PE12 7EP 26 0 52.807485 0.01862
PE12 7ER 32 0 52.802242 0.02133
PE12 7ES 23 0 52.803691 0.007451
PE12 7ET 14 0 52.803754 0.008333
PE12 7EU 12 0 52.799731 0.012286