all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 6FY 5 1 52.760909 -0.158629
PE12 7AA 3 0 52.803098 0.017337
PE12 7AB 7 2 52.803184 0.017593
PE12 7AD 17 4 52.803539 0.019624
PE12 7AE 3 0 52.803382 0.023534
PE12 7AF 32 5 52.803219 0.019746
PE12 7AG 22 2 52.803305 0.02172
PE12 7AJ 30 0 52.805118 0.023006
PE12 7AN 27 0 52.804984 0.024353
PE12 7AP 37 2 52.804889 0.021111
PE12 7AR 28 0 52.804564 0.019972
PE12 7AS 9 0 52.805113 0.019908
PE12 7AT 8 0 52.803805 0.020204
PE12 7AU 7 1 52.804038 0.024647
PE12 7AW 10 0 52.806672 0.022039
PE12 7AX 9 0 52.803363 0.025699
PE12 7AY 21 0 52.802356 0.009678
PE12 7AZ 14 0 52.802582 0.029686
PE12 7BA 16 0 52.802798 0.031254
PE12 7BB 20 0 52.803084 0.032021