all postcodes in PE14 / WISBECH

find any address or company within the PE14 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE14 7NS 35 0 52.728131 0.221544
PE14 7NT 20 0 52.726805 0.220306
PE14 7NU 29 0 52.728942 0.228176
PE14 7NW 1 1 52.726589 0.217584
PE14 7NY 12 0 52.729532 0.23025
PE14 7PA 10 0 52.727395 0.224839
PE14 7PB 6 0 52.727249 0.224446
PE14 7PD 10 0 52.727152 0.22533
PE14 7PE 14 1 52.724861 0.22859
PE14 7PF 4 0 52.721529 0.231692
PE14 7PG 6 0 52.724172 0.231397
PE14 7PH 40 0 52.727114 0.232747
PE14 7PN 70 0 52.732427 0.22979
PE14 7PL 11 0 52.727889 0.23406
PE14 7PQ 20 0 52.725433 0.234171
PE14 7PR 34 0 52.731073 0.222404
PE14 7QA 28 2 52.701889 0.244707
PE14 7QB 8 0 52.702526 0.244784
PE14 7QD 23 1 52.70097 0.246347
PE14 7QE 13 1 52.697655 0.247983