all postcodes in PE14 / WISBECH

find any address or company within the PE14 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE14 0AA 0 52.643858 0.174358
PE14 0AB 1 52.641204 0.172039
PE14 0AD 0 52.641105 0.171472
PE14 0AE 0 52.641415 0.170748
PE14 0AF 0 52.640503 0.170482
PE14 0AG 3 52.637989 0.171259
PE14 0AH 0 52.635702 0.173421
PE14 0AJ 11 0 52.635241 0.173517
PE14 0AL 39 0 52.6343 0.172879
PE14 0AN 18 0 52.634813 0.172372
PE14 0AP 25 2 52.635367 0.170597
PE14 0AQ 1 1 52.638146 0.166596
PE14 0AR 7 0 52.636371 0.170277
PE14 0AS 14 0 52.634623 0.169466
PE14 0AT 30 0 52.630884 0.168439
PE14 0AU 33 1 52.626981 0.167493
PE14 0AW 22 0 52.635071 0.171528
PE14 0AX 8 0 52.629942 0.167831
PE14 0AY 29 2 52.633952 0.16633
PE14 0AZ 7 0 52.634886 0.151139