all postcodes in PE14 / WISBECH

find any address or company within the PE14 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE14 0BD 2 0 52.634229 0.148225
PE14 0BA 13 0 52.635118 0.146776
PE14 0BB 2 0 52.635653 0.146507
PE14 0BE 19 1 52.638729 0.160772
PE14 0BG 24 0 52.64028 0.165046
PE14 0BH 36 0 52.64047 0.166873
PE14 0BJ 4 0 52.636374 0.172568
PE14 0BL 46 0 52.636783 0.168406
PE14 0BN 12 0 52.63641 0.169629
PE14 0BQ 12 1 52.639584 0.166682
PE14 0BS 46 0 52.63482 0.167067
PE14 0BT 40 0 52.635461 0.167926
PE14 0BU 13 0 52.635464 0.168725
PE14 0BW 10 0 52.637236 0.168679
PE14 0BY 7 0 52.640605 0.167368
PE14 0BZ 15 0 52.630176 0.194634
PE14 0DA 29 0 52.644129 0.173292
PE14 0DB 8 0 52.645232 0.174943
PE14 0DD 39 1 52.646587 0.173592
PE14 0DE 5 0 52.645972 0.174271