all postcodes in PE15 / MARCH

find any address or company within the PE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE15 0TU 1 1 52.497815 0.041298
PE15 0TW 17 0 52.493717 0.061879
PE15 0TX 20 2 52.498151 0.04892
PE15 0TY 20 1 52.498198 0.024241
PE15 0TZ 5 0 52.498364 0.058914
PE15 0UD 8 0 52.509698 0.02107
PE15 0UE 2 0 52.496222 0.013578
PE15 0UF 2 0 52.49081 0.020916
PE15 0UG 1 1 52.499892 0.055847
PE15 0UH 2 0 52.500718 0.003499
PE15 0UJ 3 0 52.508312 -3.6E-5
PE15 0UL 5 1 52.513953 -0.00287
PE15 0UN 2 0 52.518433 -0.000898
PE15 0UP 1 0 52.502267 -0.002501
PE15 0UR 4 0 52.499306 -0.011436
PE15 0UT 59 0 52.498567 -0.017229
PE15 0UU 20 0 52.496899 -0.024464
PE15 0UW 1 1 52.519497 -0.002122
PE15 0UX 29 0 52.496184 -0.023657
PE15 0UY 14 0 52.49516 -0.026914