all postcodes in PE15 / MARCH

find any address or company within the PE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE15 0LU 5 0 52.479711 0.163412
PE15 0PB 0 52.50885 0.089072
PE15 0BZ 4 2 52.563049 0.105335
PE15 0BF 0 52.485362 0.17693
PE15 0NA 0 52.509711 0.083038
PE15 0UA 50 0 52.497981 -0.021926
PE15 0YQ 0 52.493431 -0.025725
PE15 0UQ 3 0 52.499026 -0.016678
PE15 0LZ 6 0 52.482034 0.177964
PE15 0LP 0 52.480629 0.171739
PE15 0GB 4 1 52.563817 0.064826
PE15 0US 14 0 52.479796 0.169115
PE15 0FF 0 52.495733 -0.024099
PE15 0FG 1 0 52.51126 0.084953
PE15 0QH 3 3 52.51804 0.092069
PE15 0AR 18 13 52.565988 0.06921
PE15 0FH 0 52.493945 0.048249
PE15 0GS 0 52.509927 0.083067
PE15 0UB 1 0 52.520579 0.111573
PE15 0BD 9 1 52.564632 0.069143