all postcodes in PE1 / PETERBOROUGH

find any address or company within the PE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE1 1NS 21 18 52.574088 -0.245283
PE1 1NT 1 1 52.573292 -0.245551
PE1 1NW 1 1 52.573639 -0.242866
PE1 1PA 6 5 52.57285 -0.244845
PE1 1TN 12 10 52.573848 -0.241219
PE1 1PJ 1 1 52.571459 -0.242008
PE1 1PS 1 1 52.613357 -0.286193
PE1 1PU 1 1 52.574343 -0.243708
PE1 1PW 2 2 52.57303 -0.244204
PE1 1PX 21 7 52.574029 -0.242496
PE1 1PY 26 24 52.573926 -0.243357
PE1 1PZ 4 4 52.574268 -0.243446
PE1 1QA 3 3 52.57487 -0.244574
PE1 1QE 1 1 52.613357 -0.286193
PE1 1QG 1 1 52.574616 -0.238458
PE1 1QL 9 9 52.574525 -0.249899
PE1 1QQ 1 1 52.613357 -0.286193
PE1 1QT 1 1 52.571459 -0.242008
PE1 1QZ 1 1 52.57874 -0.239488
PE1 1RA 9 9 52.574299 -0.2425