all postcodes in PE1 / PETERBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE1 1RB 1 1 52.574526 -0.242668
PE1 1RE 4 4 52.575212 -0.244706
PE1 1RG 13 7 52.575575 -0.245533
PE1 1RS 17 17 52.575036 -0.241822
PE1 1RX 1 1 52.576522 -0.241437
PE1 1SB 6 6 52.577648 -0.240373
PE1 1SQ 47 21 52.576696 -0.240398
PE1 1ST 7 7 52.575185 -0.240413
PE1 1SU 17 9 52.578162 -0.239852
PE1 1SY 11 8 52.578358 -0.239092
PE1 1SZ 6 0 52.578313 -0.238591
PE1 1TA 4 4 52.574662 -0.241526
PE1 1TB 8 8 52.574202 -0.240851
PE1 1TD 1 1 52.57379 -0.241531
PE1 1TE 2 2 52.574305 -0.240435
PE1 1TS 1 1 52.573785 -0.241812
PE1 1TT 9 9 52.576018 -0.236011
PE1 1TU 6 4 52.576236 -0.23798
PE1 1TW 5 5 52.575367 -0.240612
PE1 1TZ 9 2 52.576471 -0.236244