all postcodes in PE28 / HUNTINGDON

find any address or company within the PE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE28 5PP 12 0 52.412837 -0.378431
PE28 5PQ 22 0 52.44164 -0.288113
PE28 5PR 2 0 52.412471 -0.378003
PE28 5PS 2 0 52.411342 -0.375663
PE28 5PT 2 0 52.413174 -0.373507
PE28 5PU 3 2 52.412195 -0.368297
PE28 5PW 11 0 52.414965 -0.379472
PE28 5PX 8 1 52.414061 -0.375815
PE28 5PY 5 0 52.409733 -0.361213
PE28 5QA 17 0 52.433087 -0.28359
PE28 5QB 17 0 52.435445 -0.286852
PE28 5QD 23 0 52.434963 -0.286474
PE28 5QE 9 0 52.434381 -0.287276
PE28 5QF 37 0 52.434344 -0.285306
PE28 5QG 18 0 52.433844 -0.284355
PE28 5QH 23 0 52.432767 -0.286323
PE28 5QJ 8 0 52.433665 -0.286892
PE28 5QL 12 0 52.433042 -0.276825
PE28 5QN 3 0 52.403715 -0.335902
PE28 5QQ 12 0 52.43334 -0.286772