all postcodes in PE28 / HUNTINGDON

find any address or company within the PE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE28 5QR 2 0 52.4025 -0.334651
PE28 5QS 22 0 52.402518 -0.332007
PE28 5QT 1 0 52.404818 -0.332508
PE28 5QU 4 1 52.405559 -0.33154
PE28 5QW 6 0 52.393692 -0.349565
PE28 5QX 4 0 52.405962 -0.331422
PE28 5RA 25 0 52.440457 -0.286511
PE28 5RB 5 0 52.457891 -0.30404
PE28 5RD 10 0 52.441344 -0.278237
PE28 5RE 2 1 52.408912 -0.330249
PE28 5RF 1 0 52.412708 -0.320772
PE28 5RG 5 0 52.418785 -0.333508
PE28 5RH 11 0 52.440222 -0.280208
PE28 5RJ 14 0 52.422201 -0.344941
PE28 5RN 49 0 52.440761 -0.282688
PE28 5RP 22 0 52.458607 -0.305691
PE28 5RQ 18 0 52.439763 -0.278961
PE28 5RR 8 1 52.460063 -0.304384
PE28 5RS 11 1 52.461076 -0.301666
PE28 5RT 2 0 52.463874 -0.303646