all postcodes in PE30 / KING'S LYNN

find any address or company within the PE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE30 5BH 39 0 52.742124 0.39773
PE30 5BJ 25 0 52.7415 0.39857
PE30 5BL 10 0 52.741897 0.398296
PE30 5BN 48 1 52.740431 0.396511
PE30 5BP 17 0 52.737882 0.395838
PE30 5BQ 22 0 52.743395 0.398037
PE30 5BS 12 0 52.737738 0.397178
PE30 5BT 32 0 52.73799 0.397622
PE30 5BU 14 0 52.746247 0.399261
PE30 5BW 44 0 52.738378 0.395332
PE30 5BX 1 1 52.744703 0.399354
PE30 5BZ 8 7 52.751704 0.399101
PE30 5DA 50 24 52.751711 0.397219
PE30 5EB 16 2 52.751148 0.396151
PE30 5DB 5 0 52.752173 0.393466
PE30 5DD 24 21 52.742099 0.403418
PE30 5DE 1 1 52.751749 0.399978
PE30 5DF 11 4 52.751225 0.398126
PE30 5DJ 1 1 52.751771 0.39823
PE30 5DL 2 0 52.751736 0.39442