all postcodes in PE30 / KING'S LYNN

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Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE30 5DQ 18 8 52.751972 0.395618
PE30 5DR 1 1 52.751256 0.394809
PE30 5DS 1 1 52.750988 0.394246
PE30 5DT 38 1 52.752477 0.393112
PE30 5DU 17 0 52.751079 0.395555
PE30 5DX 12 0 52.750917 0.394642
PE30 5DY 46 2 52.750613 0.395455
PE30 5DZ 1 0 52.750924 0.395665
PE30 5EF 14 2 52.750828 0.397927
PE30 5EG 3 2 52.750885 0.398923
PE30 5EJ 34 2 52.751534 0.401952
PE30 5EP 14 0 52.751896 0.403187
PE30 5ER 45 0 52.751312 0.403125
PE30 5ES 34 7 52.749682 0.400827
PE30 5ET 4 1 52.749397 0.400664
PE30 5EU 104 1 52.747078 0.401973
PE30 5EX 5 0 52.748341 0.402235
PE30 5EZ 1 1 52.750799 0.400074
PE30 5HA 1 1 52.748643 0.401748
PE30 5HD 48 2 52.748473 0.400791