all postcodes in PE32 / KING'S LYNN

find any address or company within the PE32 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE32 1XQ 0 52.70801 0.541815
PE32 1RB 0 52.741198 0.559881
PE32 1PY 1 0 52.741914 0.560249
PE32 1UQ 1 1 52.744931 0.567272
PE32 1UX 4 0 52.715195 0.459775
PE32 1UZ 4 0 52.715067 0.459248
PE32 1GD 0 52.69937 0.472071
PE32 1GF 1 0 52.706427 0.635315
PE32 1HL 1 1 52.715365 0.546034
PE32 1DZ 0 52.769391 0.523404
PE32 1WE 8 0 52.679692 0.587014
PE32 1WF 18 0 52.679781 0.585008
PE32 1WG 7 0 52.679549 0.586547
PE32 1WH 12 0 52.679443 0.585668
PE32 1ND 2 0 52.717293 0.513245
PE32 1FF 1 1 52.776292 0.529571
PE32 1WJ 3 0 52.745163 0.552172
PE32 1FQ 0 52.776292 0.529571
PE32 2AA 0 52.702641 0.684189
PE32 2AR 1 52.704072 0.684753