all postcodes in PH1 / PERTH

find any address or company within the PH1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH1 4AA 26 1 56.502724 -3.518349
PH1 4AB 53 3 56.501397 -3.515924
PH1 4AD 13 0 56.501205 -3.513967
PH1 4AE 5 0 56.502176 -3.513193
PH1 4AF 11 0 56.496563 -3.511507
PH1 4AG 29 0 56.502383 -3.515378
PH1 4AH 4 0 56.503005 -3.51745
PH1 4AJ 26 0 56.505187 -3.521143
PH1 4AL 35 0 56.497908 -3.511025
PH1 4AN 2 1 56.508602 -3.526284
PH1 4AP 11 0 56.516632 -3.533825
PH1 4AQ 7 1 56.505786 -3.516991
PH1 4AR 3 0 56.520642 -3.535093
PH1 4AS 6 0 56.51846 -3.552266
PH1 4AT 7 1 56.506757 -3.556939
PH1 4AU 3 1 56.503209 -3.532276
PH1 4AW 13 1 56.513541 -3.527297
PH1 4AX 10 0 56.501471 -3.512791
PH1 4AY 10 0 56.498175 -3.511913
PH1 4AZ 36 0 56.498287 -3.510877