all postcodes in PH15 / ABERFELDY

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH15 2EJ 0 56.620724 -3.858615
PH15 2EL 2 56.610169 -3.836152
PH15 2EN 0 56.616577 -3.836072
PH15 2EQ 0 56.63637 -3.814792
PH15 2ET 0 56.615499 -3.869652
PH15 2EU 0 56.614123 -3.884055
PH15 2EW 0 56.597563 -3.887078
PH15 2EX 0 56.614012 -3.907943
PH15 2EY 0 56.60301 -3.958446
PH15 2HA 0 56.582744 -3.971759
PH15 2HB 0 56.582159 -3.99141
PH15 2HD 0 56.58191 -3.993465
PH15 2HE 0 56.580361 -3.9976
PH15 2HF 0 56.584705 -3.997493
PH15 2HG 1 56.584273 -3.999798
PH15 2HH 2 56.584881 -3.998702
PH15 2HJ 0 56.586303 -3.996486
PH15 2HL 1 56.585408 -3.996813
PH15 2HN 3 56.587807 -4.002412
PH15 2HP 1 56.571024 -4.01834