all postcodes in PH15 / ABERFELDY

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH15 2AA 8 56.620136 -3.863805
PH15 2AB 1 56.620008 -3.863327
PH15 2AD 1 56.619488 -3.862062
PH15 2AE 0 56.619072 -3.861618
PH15 2AF 2 56.620489 -3.862923
PH15 2AG 1 56.621234 -3.861268
PH15 2AH 0 56.621035 -3.860166
PH15 2AJ 0 56.621587 -3.862915
PH15 2AN 0 56.621927 -3.865393
PH15 2AP 0 56.622819 -3.867638
PH15 2AQ 12 56.622121 -3.859483
PH15 2AR 0 56.623029 -3.866198
PH15 2AS 1 56.620677 -3.865446
PH15 2AT 0 56.62089 -3.864462
PH15 2AU 1 56.620139 -3.86656
PH15 2AW 0 56.622074 -3.866965
PH15 2AX 0 56.618905 -3.860795
PH15 2AY 0 56.621559 -3.866565
PH15 2AZ 0 56.622853 -3.864771
PH15 2BA 2 56.619195 -3.866493