all postcodes in PH20 / NEWTONMORE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH20 1AH 3 57.020415 -4.28709
PH20 1AJ 1 57.012348 -4.386722
PH20 1AL 4 57.059878 -4.11847
PH20 1AN 0 57.019665 -4.286814
PH20 1AP 1 57.062442 -4.124954
PH20 1AQ 0 57.069409 -4.109895
PH20 1AR 2 57.060859 -4.123144
PH20 1AT 2 57.063999 -4.118672
PH20 1DS 0 57.066339 -4.111799
PH20 1AU 0 57.063789 -4.121287
PH20 1AY 3 57.06986 -4.105516
PH20 1BA 1 57.070088 -4.108742
PH20 1BB 1 57.060395 -4.128003
PH20 1BD 2 57.049236 -4.133955
PH20 1BE 2 57.007726 -4.166161
PH20 1BG 0 57.068844 -4.12388
PH20 1BH 0 57.066627 -4.1293
PH20 1BJ 0 57.064658 -4.124602
PH20 1BL 0 57.061461 -4.119736
PH20 1BP 0 57.061284 -4.138577