all postcodes in PH20 / NEWTONMORE

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH20 1BS 0 57.020294 -4.242171
PH20 1BT 1 57.008821 -4.25301
PH20 1BU 2 57.00133 -4.317799
PH20 1BW 0 57.063975 -4.12674
PH20 1BX 1 56.974336 -4.401747
PH20 1BY 1 56.974705 -4.386046
PH20 1DA 6 57.064799 -4.121081
PH20 1DD 3 57.063829 -4.122114
PH20 1DE 1 57.06361 -4.124427
PH20 1DF 1 57.063776 -4.12414
PH20 1DG 1 57.063107 -4.128621
PH20 1DH 0 57.062362 -4.128561
PH20 1DJ 0 57.063747 -4.132203
PH20 1DL 1 57.067119 -4.116182
PH20 1DN 2 57.06613 -4.117792
PH20 1DP 0 57.067448 -4.11371
PH20 1DQ 0 57.062823 -4.126295
PH20 1DR 1 57.067497 -4.115292
PH20 1DT 1 57.067797 -4.116695
PH20 1DU 0 57.068566 -4.116165