all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

find any address or company within the PH2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 6JP 6 0 56.419333 -3.401528
PH2 6JQ 9 0 56.419741 -3.402759
PH2 6JR 8 0 56.419393 -3.404156
PH2 6JS 12 0 56.419986 -3.402573
PH2 6JT 14 0 56.419761 -3.404202
PH2 6JU 23 0 56.420758 -3.406622
PH2 6JW 15 3 56.419037 -3.40142
PH2 6JX 9 0 56.419922 -3.40664
PH2 6JY 6 0 56.420593 -3.406876
PH2 6JZ 28 0 56.42103 -3.405579
PH2 6LA 12 0 56.420369 -3.405246
PH2 6LB 16 0 56.422257 -3.407472
PH2 6LD 19 1 56.421953 -3.408158
PH2 6LE 61 0 56.420712 -3.409084
PH2 6LF 16 0 56.420141 -3.407945
PH2 6LG 9 0 56.420854 -3.408377
PH2 6LH 8 1 56.419632 -3.406078
PH2 6LJ 10 4 56.418652 -3.405296
PH2 6LL 50 1 56.417632 -3.404934
PH2 6LN 7 0 56.416743 -3.405631