all postcodes in PH2 / PERTH

find any address or company within the PH2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH2 6EL 12 3 56.55863 -3.38126
PH2 6EN 10 0 56.558617 -3.362027
PH2 6EP 15 0 56.449977 -3.346715
PH2 6EQ 4 0 56.560977 -3.400236
PH2 6ER 9 0 56.539912 -3.370121
PH2 6ES 4 0 56.476709 -3.319785
PH2 6ET 15 3 56.445433 -3.346489
PH2 6EU 5 1 56.448378 -3.349157
PH2 6EW 3 1 56.546556 -3.34406
PH2 6EX 15 0 56.450092 -3.35097
PH2 6EY 48 0 56.451264 -3.351417
PH2 6EZ 44 4 56.450855 -3.348531
PH2 6HA 1 1 56.44974 -3.348637
PH2 6HD 12 0 56.452399 -3.350386
PH2 6HE 8 0 56.452888 -3.349998
PH2 6HF 7 0 56.449264 -3.347842
PH2 6HG 10 0 56.449108 -3.348096
PH2 6HH 6 0 56.449758 -3.346139
PH2 6HJ 14 0 56.453106 -3.335711
PH2 6HL 1 1 56.449413 -3.327291