all postcodes in PH4 / AUCHTERARDER

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH41 4RP 16 0 57.007873 -5.818222
PH42 4RL 58 7 56.90188 -6.142749
PH43 4RR 21 3 57.015406 -6.281487
PH44 4RS 24 2 57.05682 -6.503266
PH49 4HJ 4 0 56.682338 -5.103966
PH49 4HL 1 1 56.680241 -5.130641
PH49 4HN 19 2 56.680166 -5.114288
PH49 4HP 37 6 56.683067 -5.105741
PH49 4HQ 14 0 56.683123 -5.100308
PH49 4HR 35 2 56.6825 -5.105433
PH49 4HS 41 5 56.682611 -5.101017
PH49 4HT 9 1 56.68487 -5.097968
PH49 4HU 20 1 56.682087 -5.094571
PH49 4HX 15 3 56.673679 -5.072932
PH49 4HY 1 1 56.651384 -4.840862
PH49 4HZ 5 1 56.650234 -4.838083
PH49 4JA 12 0 56.587493 -5.023981
PH49 4JB 34 6 56.676855 -5.130899
PH49 4JD 10 1 56.68641 -5.212709
PH49 4JE 10 1 56.674798 -5.133324