all postcodes in PH4 / AUCHTERARDER

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH49 4JF 12 0 56.675185 -5.13223
PH49 4JG 20 0 56.672977 -5.132455
PH49 4JH 18 0 56.673922 -5.136681
PH49 4JJ 43 0 56.675222 -5.13896
PH49 4JP 19 4 56.676625 -5.142866
PH49 4JL 8 0 56.674937 -5.136732
PH49 4JN 14 0 56.675492 -5.138248
PH49 4JQ 21 1 56.673778 -5.135281
PH49 4JR 29 2 56.677429 -5.135225
PH49 4JS 49 2 56.676398 -5.134045
PH49 4JT 4 0 56.677266 -5.13562
PH49 4JU 1 0 56.677722 -5.132506
PH49 4JW 16 0 56.675751 -5.137943
PH49 4JX 19 3 56.686636 -5.183637
PH49 4JY 1 1 56.687647 -5.184523
PH49 4JZ 26 0 56.682376 -5.191721
PH49 4LA 8 2 56.663802 -5.072144
PH49 4LB 8 0 56.674884 -5.134197
PH49 4LD 8 0 56.677762 -5.131611
PH49 4LE 1 0 56.678694 -5.132472