all postcodes in PH7 / CRIEFF

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH7 3JR 19 0 56.371054 -3.834003
PH7 3JS 34 0 56.370361 -3.831643
PH7 3JT 40 0 56.370915 -3.831815
PH7 3JU 1 1 56.370826 -3.836005
PH7 3JW 28 0 56.370345 -3.835091
PH7 3JX 26 0 56.369612 -3.830004
PH7 3JY 25 0 56.371003 -3.827658
PH7 3JZ 39 0 56.370965 -3.829049
PH7 3LA 7 0 56.371309 -3.828256
PH7 3LB 7 0 56.37083 -3.827229
PH7 3LD 13 0 56.371218 -3.826503
PH7 3LE 46 1 56.370927 -3.837677
PH7 3LG 1 0 56.380489 -3.841847
PH7 3LH 1 0 56.387149 -3.824171
PH7 3LJ 3 0 56.393796 -3.805869
PH7 3LL 2 0 56.40649 -3.811057
PH7 3LN 8 1 56.422012 -3.803401
PH7 3LQ 1 1 56.379669 -3.837807
PH7 3LR 6 1 56.379646 -3.827198
PH7 3LS 10 0 56.379092 -3.825762