all postcodes in PL1 / PLYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL1 2UU 0 0 0
PL1 2AA 1 50.369584 -4.143005
PL1 2AD 6 50.36952 -4.140597
PL1 2AE 1 50.369434 -4.139876
PL1 2AG 14 50.368466 -4.138963
PL1 2AH 5 50.369523 -4.139193
PL1 2AN 3 50.369374 -4.138735
PL1 2AQ 0 50.368 -4.140121
PL1 2AU 0 50.368845 -4.146009
PL1 2AW 1 50.369329 -4.138283
PL1 2AX 4 50.368792 -4.139102
PL1 2AY 0 50.368786 -4.138455
PL1 2DA 3 50.368793 -4.137598
PL1 2DF 0 50.368695 -4.138001
PL1 2DG 2 50.369859 -4.137842
PL1 2DH 5 50.369571 -4.138548
PL1 2DP 1 50.369287 -4.139574
PL1 2EJ 2 50.368781 -4.141155
PL1 2EN 1 50.367774 -4.142855
PL1 2ER 1 50.369194 -4.141694