all postcodes in PL1 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL1 9TA 1 1 50.369584 -4.143005
PL1 9TB 1 1 50.369584 -4.143005
PL1 9TD 1 1 50.369584 -4.143005
PL1 9SE 1 50.369584 -4.143005
PL1 9AL 1 0 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9BA 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9BE 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9BN 1 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9BS 1 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9LR 1 1 50.365569 -4.105492
PL1 9AN 0 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9DH 1 0 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9DW 1 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9DY 1 50.365569 -4.105492
PL1 9EF 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9EN 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9EP 1 1 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9EQ 1 0 50.365584 -4.105463
PL1 9ZZ 1 50.364425 -4.104385
PL1 9ER 1 50.365584 -4.105463