all postcodes in PL12 / SALTASH

find any address or company within the PL12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL12 5DF 11 0 50.422393 -4.284993
PL12 5DG 27 0 50.423821 -4.285568
PL12 5DH 21 0 50.422063 -4.286681
PL12 5DJ 12 0 50.421639 -4.288152
PL12 5DL 7 0 50.423196 -4.28765
PL12 5DN 11 0 50.421543 -4.288922
PL12 5DP 28 2 50.421812 -4.291202
PL12 5DQ 38 0 50.422431 -4.287205
PL12 5DR 2 0 50.421837 -4.291165
PL12 5DS 2 0 50.421688 -4.291412
PL12 5DT 2 0 50.421641 -4.291522
PL12 5DU 6 0 50.421364 -4.292039
PL12 5DX 3 0 50.421453 -4.292564
PL12 5DY 5 1 50.422581 -4.290084
PL12 5DZ 4 0 50.422712 -4.289809
PL12 5EA 36 1 50.422672 -4.287724
PL12 5EB 3 0 50.422606 -4.288354
PL12 5ED 2 0 50.422663 -4.288009
PL12 5EF 3 0 50.423136 -4.290224
PL12 5EG 1 0 50.424436 -4.28495