all postcodes in PL13 / LOOE

find any address or company within the PL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL13 2BD 4 0 50.352942 -4.460375
PL13 2BE 10 0 50.352823 -4.460903
PL13 2BG 13 0 50.35398 -4.457425
PL13 2BH 2 0 50.353522 -4.458231
PL13 2BJ 9 0 50.353426 -4.458507
PL13 2BL 3 0 50.353382 -4.458041
PL13 2BN 4 0 50.352975 -4.458147
PL13 2BQ 18 0 50.353108 -4.458266
PL13 2BS 8 0 50.352822 -4.457759
PL13 2BT 1 0 50.354803 -4.504819
PL13 2BU 19 3 50.354813 -4.456549
PL13 2BW 4 0 50.356873 -4.460991
PL13 2BX 12 4 50.352565 -4.455224
PL13 2BY 8 0 50.352523 -4.455297
PL13 2BZ 2 0 50.352383 -4.455093
PL13 2DA 3 0 50.352549 -4.455777
PL13 2DB 6 0 50.352384 -4.455473
PL13 2DD 22 0 50.352028 -4.455098
PL13 2DE 12 3 50.350567 -4.452511
PL13 2DF 18 0 50.348668 -4.451683