all postcodes in PL14 / LISKEARD

find any address or company within the PL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL14 3QR 1 50.440683 -4.412062
PL14 3QS 1 50.439955 -4.413033
PL14 3QT 0 50.437853 -4.41332
PL14 3QU 0 50.437025 -4.40582
PL14 3QW 0 50.441491 -4.412252
PL14 3QX 1 50.440528 -4.411428
PL14 3QY 3 50.439596 -4.409099
PL14 3QZ 1 50.441102 -4.411936
PL14 3RA 0 50.441844 -4.412129
PL14 3RB 0 50.446007 -4.411763
PL14 3RD 0 50.436787 -4.40138
PL14 3RE 0 50.443117 -4.389235
PL14 3RF 0 50.458769 -4.406966
PL14 3RG 4 50.452021 -4.411534
PL14 3RH 1 50.43219 -4.365886
PL14 3RJ 0 50.441298 -4.409848
PL14 3RL 0 50.441055 -4.409399
PL14 3RN 0 50.441105 -4.411225
PL14 3RP 0 50.440466 -4.409636
PL14 3RQ 0 50.428655 -4.384353