all postcodes in PL14 / LISKEARD

find any address or company within the PL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL14 3DD 18 0 50.454359 -4.45582
PL14 3DE 17 1 50.453868 -4.456049
PL14 3DF 18 0 50.454032 -4.457677
PL14 3DG 20 0 50.453963 -4.458801
PL14 3DJ 2 2 50.458074 -4.460465
PL14 3DN 13 0 50.452212 -4.453145
PL14 3DP 15 2 50.45629 -4.464459
PL14 3DQ 19 0 50.459182 -4.454041
PL14 3DR 4 0 50.456876 -4.464404
PL14 3DS 6 0 50.457386 -4.464938
PL14 3DT 6 0 50.456966 -4.462704
PL14 3DW 1 1 50.457717 -4.463335
PL14 3DX 2 2 50.457158 -4.464159
PL14 3DY 3 0 50.458054 -4.462613
PL14 3DZ 1 1 50.457524 -4.461832
PL14 3EA 1 1 50.458211 -4.463783
PL14 3EB 18 0 50.460085 -4.454299
PL14 3ED 8 0 50.457292 -4.46003
PL14 3EE 21 0 50.457738 -4.459377
PL14 3EF 40 0 50.456826 -4.45995