all postcodes in PL15 / LAUNCESTON

find any address or company within the PL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL15 8BG 27 0 50.639399 -4.36167
PL15 8BH 12 0 50.639023 -4.360703
PL15 8BJ 17 0 50.639034 -4.363264
PL15 8BL 33 1 50.639691 -4.363212
PL15 8BN 5 0 50.639467 -4.361433
PL15 8BP 11 0 50.63878 -4.360267
PL15 8BQ 27 6 50.638679 -4.360859
PL15 8BS 5 0 50.63696 -4.359086
PL15 8BT 10 0 50.63797 -4.35761
PL15 8BU 48 2 50.639571 -4.364312
PL15 8BW 10 2 50.63862 -4.359254
PL15 8BX 34 0 50.639426 -4.363877
PL15 8BZ 68 0 50.642895 -4.358284
PL15 8DA 13 1 50.64087 -4.364516
PL15 8DB 16 1 50.640843 -4.364076
PL15 8DD 10 0 50.64351 -4.360292
PL15 8DE 5 2 50.637426 -4.356918
PL15 8DF 7 5 50.642115 -4.364338
PL15 8DH 2 1 50.64126 -4.365727
PL15 8DJ 3 0 50.642738 -4.365529