all postcodes in PL16 / LIFTON

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Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL16 0HT 8 0 50.616695 -4.21816
PL16 0HU 11 0 50.617842 -4.213181
PL16 0HX 8 0 50.61887 -4.209723
PL16 0HY 4 0 50.618922 -4.204608
PL16 0HZ 2 0 50.620376 -4.19625
PL16 0JA 6 0 50.623727 -4.214942
PL16 0JB 4 0 50.620772 -4.219921
PL16 0JE 4 0 50.609664 -4.217108
PL16 0JF 4 0 50.680994 -4.252363
PL16 0JH 24 0 50.680077 -4.251498
PL16 0JJ 25 5 50.675196 -4.246707
PL16 0JL 2 1 50.695104 -4.239473
PL16 0JP 4 0 50.680729 -4.250722
PL16 0JR 12 0 50.683748 -4.264811
PL16 0JS 18 1 50.693283 -4.282277
PL16 0RL 1 1 50.688188 -4.230946
PL16 0JT 7 0 50.703894 -4.264394
PL16 0LA 28 1 50.642641 -4.286201
PL16 0LB 21 0 50.642586 -4.286679
PL16 0LD 17 0 50.643151 -4.286777