all postcodes in PL19 / TAVISTOCK

find any address or company within the PL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
PL19 9BA150.538671-4.149603
PL19 9BB650.544446-4.144601
PL19 9FD450.545824-4.145976
PL19 9BD150.542027-4.142247
PL19 9BE050.539965-4.140884
PL19 9BG050.5405-4.139172
PL19 9BH050.544205-4.145084
PL19 9BJ150.541987-4.143911
PL19 9BL050.540649-4.142792
PL19 9BN050.540352-4.143794
PL19 9BP050.543254-4.142035
PL19 9BQ050.539117-4.140549
PL19 9BS050.538701-4.148941
PL19 9BT050.54633-4.131757
PL19 9BU050.535977-4.132729
PL19 9BW050.541234-4.140828
PL19 9BX050.536495-4.130989
PL19 9BY050.536504-4.132979
PL19 9BZ050.536226-4.131414
PL19 9DA050.539427-4.142271