all postcodes in PL19 / TAVISTOCK

find any address or company within the PL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL19 0AR 0 50.55157 -4.13877
PL19 0BQ 0 50.552521 -4.138897
PL19 0BY 0 50.552621 -4.137885
PL19 0FD 4 2 50.559502 -4.131405
PL19 0FG 12 0 50.55105 -4.144562
PL19 0FZ 3 50.552713 -4.143056
PL19 0NT 4 4 50.566126 -4.118953
PL19 1SA 2 50.552564 -4.143346
PL19 1SB 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SD 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SE 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SF 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SG 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SH 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SJ 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SL 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SN 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SP 1 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SQ 1 1 50.552566 -4.143304
PL19 1SR 1 1 50.552566 -4.143304