all postcodes in PL25 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL25 / PAR

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL25 4EG 1 50.338836 -4.78357
PL25 4EL 0 50.357398 -4.780354
PL25 4EN 0 50.355725 -4.778443
PL25 4EP 0 50.352623 -4.78179
PL25 4ER 0 50.352188 -4.780795
PL25 4ES 0 50.350971 -4.780906
PL25 4ET 0 50.351378 -4.780073
PL25 4EU 0 50.349712 -4.780763
PL25 4EW 9 50.355291 -4.781553
PL25 4EX 1 50.347871 -4.779994
PL25 4EY 2 50.346698 -4.77928
PL25 4EZ 1 50.348665 -4.779914
PL25 4HA 0 50.348165 -4.779632
PL25 4HB 2 50.345952 -4.778251
PL25 4HD 0 50.345444 -4.778447
PL25 4HE 1 50.345104 -4.777611
PL25 4HF 0 50.344528 -4.778014
PL25 4HG 0 50.344317 -4.777397
PL25 4HH 0 50.344155 -4.776291
PL25 4HJ 0 50.34334 -4.7754