all postcodes in PL25 / PAR

find any address or company within the PL25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District

PL25 / PAR

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL25 9BH 1 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9EE 1 0 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9ES 1 0 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9EY 1 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9DG 1 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9SZ 1 1 50.333706 -4.797507
PL25 9TG 1 1 50.333706 -4.797507
PL25 9DN 1 0 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9DP 0 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9FA 0 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9TD 1 1 50.333706 -4.797507
PL25 9TE 1 1 50.333706 -4.797507
PL25 9TF 1 1 50.333706 -4.797507
PL25 9TH 1 1 50.333706 -4.797507
PL25 9FG 1 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9FH 1 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9FJ 1 50.341347 -4.758965
PL25 9ZZ 1 50.34137 -4.758756
PL25 9TJ 1 1 50.333693 -4.797549
PL25 9TL 1 1 50.333693 -4.797549