all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 7AA 1 1 50.515672 -4.836387
PL27 7AB 7 0 50.514748 -4.836275
PL27 7AD 9 8 50.515714 -4.83581
PL27 7AE 11 9 50.515723 -4.83577
PL27 7AG 11 3 50.515985 -4.836477
PL27 7AH 20 2 50.517204 -4.835955
PL27 7AJ 4 0 50.517133 -4.837321
PL27 7AL 32 26 50.517759 -4.837879
PL27 7AN 6 0 50.517288 -4.837641
PL27 7AP 1 1 50.516566 -4.839178
PL27 7AQ 4 4 50.516104 -4.836031
PL27 7AS 3 3 50.517686 -4.838258
PL27 7AT 4 3 50.51494 -4.835412
PL27 7AU 37 0 50.517965 -4.836793
PL27 7AR 2 2 50.518019 -4.839052
PL27 7AW 5 50.517184 -4.837873
PL27 7AX 0 50.513746 -4.833479
PL27 7AY 0 50.514621 -4.834898
PL27 7AZ 0 50.514085 -4.834331
PL27 7BA 0 50.513493 -4.834648