all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 7LS 0 50.507264 -4.884969
PL27 7LW 0 50.501608 -4.864864
PL27 7LX 0 50.510353 -4.837253
PL27 7LZ 2 50.515773 -4.836676
PL27 7NA 1 50.51594 -4.836855
PL27 7NB 5 50.515791 -4.837057
PL27 7ND 4 50.516182 -4.836855
PL27 7NE 7 50.514513 -4.839321
PL27 7NF 0 50.515783 -4.837748
PL27 7NG 0 50.515634 -4.838332
PL27 7NH 0 50.51572 -4.838125
PL27 7NJ 2 50.516039 -4.83796
PL27 7NL 0 50.515501 -4.83934
PL27 7NN 1 50.515 -4.839959
PL27 7NP 0 50.51471 -4.838613
PL27 7NQ 3 50.515993 -4.83872
PL27 7NS 12 50.515568 -4.836607
PL27 7NT 2 50.514613 -4.837042
PL27 7NW 3 50.516151 -4.837051
PL27 7NX 0 50.514356 -4.835744