all postcodes in PL2 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL2 1EP 0 50.381637 -4.165774
PL2 1EQ 0 50.381801 -4.170451
PL2 1ES 0 50.382162 -4.165586
PL2 1ET 0 50.381927 -4.166603
PL2 1EU 0 50.381945 -4.165183
PL2 1EW 0 50.381528 -4.166303
PL2 1EX 0 50.381722 -4.165538
PL2 1EY 0 50.382313 -4.166634
PL2 1EZ 0 50.382771 -4.166669
PL2 1HA 0 50.382549 -4.165576
PL2 1HH 0 50.382866 -4.164734
PL2 1HJ 0 50.383263 -4.165412
PL2 1HL 0 50.383901 -4.165905
PL2 1HN 1 50.384704 -4.166743
PL2 1HP 0 50.38439 -4.167657
PL2 1HR 0 50.383038 -4.16972
PL2 1HS 1 50.383475 -4.16801
PL2 1HT 0 50.383786 -4.166758
PL2 1HU 0 50.384197 -4.168352
PL2 1HW 1 50.385018 -4.168221