all postcodes in PL30 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL30 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL30 4LT 0 50.554864 -4.691335
PL30 4LU 1 50.553774 -4.692201
PL30 4LW 0 50.557087 -4.689749
PL30 4LX 1 50.560886 -4.689203
PL30 4LY 1 50.559586 -4.686662
PL30 4LZ 0 50.555094 -4.699689
PL30 4NA 0 50.559185 -4.69587
PL30 4ND 0 50.544934 -4.695607
PL30 4NG 0 50.557352 -4.689557
PL30 4NH 0 50.55104 -4.677743
PL30 4NL 0 50.555193 -4.661388
PL30 4NN 1 50.559225 -4.638378
PL30 4NP 0 50.571232 -4.657368
PL30 4NQ 1 50.546903 -4.68124
PL30 4NR 0 50.563734 -4.665894
PL30 4NS 0 50.560637 -4.676993
PL30 4NT 0 50.564379 -4.675397
PL30 4NU 0 50.555763 -4.689406
PL30 4NX 0 50.555483 -4.687121
PL30 4NY 2 50.552038 -4.689452