all postcodes in PL32 / CAMELFORD

find any address or company within the PL32 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL32 9PY 2 1 50.595518 -4.659013
PL32 9PZ 1 0 50.590033 -4.663217
PL32 9QA 1 0 50.594689 -4.650748
PL32 9QD 15 0 50.614384 -4.686222
PL32 9QE 1 0 50.589444 -4.67087
PL32 9QG 3 0 50.611659 -4.642542
PL32 9QF 15 0 50.619906 -4.65807
PL32 9QH 6 0 50.608999 -4.662988
PL32 9QJ 3 0 50.603631 -4.650685
PL32 9QL 10 0 50.600015 -4.65817
PL32 9QN 4 0 50.592863 -4.672401
PL32 9QW 19 0 50.602174 -4.682078
PL32 9QP 3 0 50.598108 -4.689492
PL32 9QQ 2 0 50.614562 -4.675412
PL32 9QR 5 0 50.593343 -4.69021
PL32 9QS 1 0 50.611792 -4.654127
PL32 9QT 10 1 50.619553 -4.685923
PL32 9QU 11 0 50.620388 -4.686013
PL32 9QX 25 1 50.62007 -4.683077
PL32 9QZ 44 0 50.618993 -4.684492