all postcodes in PL33 / DELABOLE

find any address or company within the PL33 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL33 9BH 24 0 50.62656 -4.726171
PL33 9BJ 27 0 50.62607 -4.725195
PL33 9BL 13 0 50.626778 -4.723794
PL33 9BN 29 0 50.626854 -4.725552
PL33 9BP 8 0 50.627824 -4.728309
PL33 9BQ 32 0 50.619865 -4.73438
PL33 9BS 5 0 50.628021 -4.727241
PL33 9BT 12 2 50.628895 -4.726363
PL33 9BU 24 0 50.62988 -4.724294
PL33 9BW 20 0 50.626853 -4.725976
PL33 9BX 21 1 50.61941 -4.733897
PL33 9BY 11 0 50.630004 -4.724702
PL33 9BZ 12 1 50.626445 -4.713763
PL33 9DA 3 0 50.634755 -4.714293
PL33 9DB 20 0 50.631006 -4.724519
PL33 9DD 3 0 50.631332 -4.726376
PL33 9DE 5 1 50.637123 -4.732977
PL33 9DF 10 0 50.640625 -4.750409
PL33 9DG 7 0 50.635874 -4.747115
PL33 9DH 3 0 50.619517 -4.742659