all postcodes in PL4 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL4 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL4 7DN 0 50.382213 -4.131196
PL4 7DP 1 50.383116 -4.132488
PL4 7DQ 0 50.383096 -4.129168
PL4 7DR 0 50.383023 -4.130684
PL4 7DS 4 50.381716 -4.133255
PL4 7DU 1 50.382064 -4.126533
PL4 7DW 0 50.382232 -4.13356
PL4 7DY 0 50.378834 -4.131257
PL4 7DZ 0 50.379383 -4.132011
PL4 7EA 0 50.381148 -4.133077
PL4 7EB 1 50.381195 -4.132726
PL4 7ED 0 50.380639 -4.132687
PL4 7EE 0 50.381333 -4.131592
PL4 7EF 1 50.381854 -4.130153
PL4 7EG 2 50.381992 -4.12535
PL4 7EH 0 50.3816 -4.123418
PL4 7EP 0 50.381402 -4.123423
PL4 7EQ 1 50.381689 -4.125419
PL4 7ER 0 50.382321 -4.125265
PL4 7ES 0 50.381552 -4.124541