all postcodes in PL6 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL6 5DR 14 0 50.416026 -4.136387
PL6 5DS 29 23 50.415399 -4.134136
PL6 5DT 1 1 50.416303 -4.135513
PL6 5DU 14 2 50.414262 -4.135492
PL6 5DW 50 0 50.409458 -4.126211
PL6 5DX 62 0 50.411845 -4.134848
PL6 5DY 15 3 50.411707 -4.133068
PL6 5DZ 2 2 50.409502 -4.132477
PL6 5EA 9 0 50.410769 -4.129282
PL6 5EB 18 0 50.410479 -4.126454
PL6 5ED 23 0 50.411158 -4.127174
PL6 5EE 20 0 50.411089 -4.125835
PL6 5EF 7 1 50.412001 -4.127311
PL6 5EG 30 0 50.411724 -4.125285
PL6 5EH 12 0 50.411146 -4.127849
PL6 5EJ 11 0 50.411682 -4.128563
PL6 5EL 1 1 50.410734 -4.130674
PL6 5EN 10 0 50.411061 -4.129535
PL6 5EQ 24 0 50.410587 -4.123503
PL6 5FE 2 2 50.410776 -4.133787