all postcodes in PL7 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL7 1QY 0 50.38627 -4.068889
PL7 1QZ 0 50.386955 -4.071887
PL7 1RA 1 50.38664 -4.063278
PL7 1RB 0 50.386756 -4.064338
PL7 1RD 0 50.387297 -4.065276
PL7 1RE 0 50.386537 -4.065018
PL7 1RF 45 50.388599 -4.069975
PL7 1RS 1 50.38887 -4.071408
PL7 1RX 0 50.387103 -4.066576
PL7 1RY 0 50.387389 -4.069205
PL7 1RZ 0 50.387603 -4.071366
PL7 1SA 0 50.387833 -4.073065
PL7 1SB 0 50.386242 -4.073009
PL7 1SE 0 50.387326 -4.07376
PL7 1SF 0 50.387954 -4.074083
PL7 1SG 0 50.386009 -4.073491
PL7 1SH 0 50.385496 -4.066435
PL7 1SJ 0 50.385463 -4.069796
PL7 1SL 0 50.385461 -4.07396
PL7 1SN 0 50.384867 -4.070431