all postcodes in PL9 / PLYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
PL9 7DP42050.365194-4.094182
PL9 7DR10050.365054-4.096468
PL9 7DS3050.365932-4.096113
PL9 7DT30050.36548-4.09577
PL9 7DU11050.365729-4.09692
PL9 7DW33050.365075-4.095288
PL9 7DX15050.365165-4.097275
PL9 7DY20050.363692-4.096633
PL9 7DZ24050.363667-4.090558
PL9 7EB1150.365584-4.105463
PL9 7ED10050.365036-4.082448
PL9 7EE15150.36269-4.085847
PL9 7EF3050.361729-4.086297
PL9 7EG8050.363654-4.084244
PL9 7EH2050.364096-4.084432
PL9 7EJ11050.364974-4.082895
PL9 7EL10050.365022-4.085218
PL9 7EN14050.364458-4.085052
PL9 7EP20050.366287-4.094427
PL9 7ER34050.365696-4.090253