all postcodes in PL9 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL9 9RG 7 50.352785 -4.113108
PL9 9RH 0 50.358528 -4.115823
PL9 9RJ 0 50.354654 -4.114455
PL9 9RL 0 50.353179 -4.114459
PL9 9RN 0 50.353275 -4.11608
PL9 9RP 0 50.351089 -4.113621
PL9 9RQ 4 50.356665 -4.113379
PL9 9RR 0 50.352407 -4.114397
PL9 9RS 0 50.352081 -4.114017
PL9 9RT 0 50.35187 -4.112714
PL9 9RU 0 50.352837 -4.116918
PL9 9RW 0 50.351687 -4.115377
PL9 9RX 0 50.348361 -4.084909
PL9 9RY 0 50.348102 -4.08584
PL9 9RZ 0 50.347892 -4.087489
PL9 9SA 0 50.360499 -4.128831
PL9 9SB 0 50.354778 -4.115079
PL9 9SD 0 50.355097 -4.115796
PL9 9SE 0 50.353866 -4.115235
PL9 9SF 0 50.354184 -4.118061